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CORRUPTION FREE INDIA - DEVELOPED INDIA  OR  CORRUPTION CAUSES AND PREVENTION    Preface:-- Corruption is the criminal misuse of the wealth ...



Corruption is the criminal misuse of the wealth of the country.  'Corruption' means- 'Corrupt conduct i.e. conduct against morality and law when a person has neither inner shame or knowledge of righteousness (which is immorality) nor fear outside (which is disobeying law).  So he can commit the most heinous sins in the world, cause the greatest harm to his country, caste and society and can also tarnish humanity.  Unfortunately, today India is fast moving towards destruction by getting trapped in the jaws of this thousand-faced demon of corruption.

 To make India a developed nation from a developing nation, every Indian has to make a determination.

Various forms of corruption :-

Earlier, the countrymen used to go to the square after hearing about any scam, but today they do not get shocked.  Earlier the accused of scams used to leave their posts because of public shame, but today they go to jail with pride even if caught.  Like you are going on a mission to serve the nation.  That is why corrupt practices are slowly becoming common in the entire administrative system.  Today there is no sphere of Indian life, government or non-government, public or private, which is untouched by corruption.  Although corruption is found in so many forms that it is not easy to classify it, yet it can be mainly divided into the following categories.

(a) Political Corruption:-

Politics is the most prominent form of corruption.  Under whose umbrella all the remaining forms of corruption flourish and get protection.  There is no such malpractice, malpractice or gimmick in the world.  Which is not adopted to win the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections in India.  The reason is that the winning party in the elections forms the government.  These corrupt politicians are to blame for the present plight of the country, due to which many scams have happened in the country.  

(b) Administrative Corruption :-

Under this, all those officers sitting in government, semi-government, non-government organizations, institutions, establishments or services, who make appointments to ineligible persons due to casteism, nepotism, any kind of pressure or any other reason, they are promoted.  Doing so, neglecting their own duty and giving shelter to subordinate employees or making the country weak on any front by any of their actions or conduct.

(c) Professional Corruption :-

Under this, those who rob the public with both hands by creating an artificial shortage of a particular commodity, those who sell goods for good by preparing substandard goods, charging more than the prescribed rate, tax evaders and other corrupt practices.  By adopting the businessmen who make the country and the society weak, come.

(d) Academic corruption:-

Even a holy sector like education has not remained untouched by the infection of corruption.  Today there is more recommendation and flattery than merit.  Without working hard, due to the desire to move forward through unethical means, education is continuously declining.

Reasons for Corruption :-

Corruption first flourishes at the highest level and then gradually spreads downwards.  There is a saying - 'As kings and subjects, today it has become so prevalent in all Indian life that people cannot even imagine such an office or person, which is free from corruption.  The reason for corruption is that materialistic philosophy of life, which has come from the West through English education.  This way of life is purely indulgent - 'Eat, drink and have fun' is its motto, which is completely opposite to the traditional Indian philosophy of life.

 Money is the most important thing for worldly pleasures, but no person can ever collect so much money while living according to religion.  But when he sees that every person, who is sitting in an important position, is living a life of luxury to the extreme extent by collecting money by every means, then his mind also starts to fluctuate.

Measures to make India corruption free and make a developed India :-

The following measures should be adopted to remove corruption.

"To increase awareness for the development of the country,

Everyone has to work together to make a corruption-free India."

(a) Promotion of ancient Indian culture:-

As long as the indulgent western culture will continue to be propagated through English education.  Corruption cannot be reduced.  Therefore, first of all, the education of native languages ​​has to be made compulsory.  Indian languages ​​are propagators and advocates of values ​​of life.  They will strengthen the sense of religion among Indians and all people will become religious.

(b) Changes in the election process:--

In place of the present election system, such a method will have to be adopted, in which the people themselves can choose honest people dedicated to the values ​​of Indian life, people of criminal tendency should be prevented from contesting elections.  MLAs or MPs who change parties due to opportunism, their membership should be terminated, those seeking votes in the name of caste and religion should be banned and mandatory qualifications should be prescribed for MLAs and MPs also.

(c) Abolition of unnatural restrictions :-

With the removal of thousands of restrictions imposed by the government on quota permits etc., qualified people will come forward in business, which will encourage healthy competition.

(d) Simplification of tax system :- The government has imposed thousands of taxes.  As a result, the trader is forced to adopt unethical means;  Therefore, hundreds of taxes should be abolished and only few taxes should be levied and the recovery process should also be made so simple that even a less educated person can deposit their taxes conveniently.

(e) Reduction in Government and Administration Expenditure :-

Today, so much indiscriminate expenditure is being spent on the governance and administration of the country (including Indian embassies abroad), that the backs of the people are getting broken.  This expenditure should be cut immediately.

(f) To inspire patriotism :-

The most important thing is that by making radical changes in the present education system, it should be reorganized keeping patriotism at the center.  To teach the lesson of patriotism to the student, irrespective of religion, creed or community

(h) to make the law more stringent:-

The law against corruption should also be made more stringent and even the Prime Minister should be brought under its scrutiny.

(i) Social boycott of corrupt persons :-

Social boycott of persons associated with corruption in any form.  This measure will prove to be very helpful in preventing corruption.


Corruption comes from top to bottom, so unless the politicians are patriotic and virtuous, eradication of corruption is impossible.  All the aforesaid measures can be adopted only after the appropriate politicians are elected, which will prove to be completely effective in rooting out corruption.  The present government seems to be making serious efforts to stop corruption in India.

The saying of our respected Prime Minister that "I will not eat,  will not let me eat".  Seems worthwhile.

Corruption free India is possible to make India a developed country.  When people with character and full of self-sacrifice and the spirit of service to the country come into politics and connect life with public consciousness, then surely our India will not only become a developed nation but will also become a VISHVA-GURU again.


Note:- Please definitely publish your thoughts/suggestions in the comments box regarding the above effort.😊


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