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Female Foeticide- A Curse Essay • Creative Article•

Essay •  Creative Article• Female Foeticide- A Curse  kaatil kahen, khoonee kahen ya kahen hatyara ?  tum hee kaho, kaunasa nam hai tumhen p...

Essay • 

Creative Article•

Female Foeticide- A Curse 

kaatil kahen, khoonee kahen ya kahen hatyara ? 

tum hee kaho, kaunasa nam hai tumhen pyara?  

mutthee mein le liye hain, saare kaayade kaanoon ,

bhroon hatya ka kaisa chadha tum par junoon.?

Introduction:-- Our Indian culture has been glorious since the beginning. Giving proof of this fact in front of Indians would be like showing a lamp to the sun. Some values ​​and some ideals of this culture can never become outdated. 

The importance of women has been underlined since the Vedic period. 'Where women are worshipped, there the gods reside'. Even though our society is male dominated, the importance of women is undisputed. Her participation has not only been commendable but also essential. A society in which only men are men cannot even be imagined. A beautiful society is built by both.  Therefore, a person who underestimates the existence of a woman can only be called a fool and nothing else. It is very ironic that despite knowing the above fact, people consider the birth of a daughter as their misfortune.

Reasons for foeticide:-- Women in India have been given important rights, but if seen practically, it is something else. On one hand, the song of equality between sons and daughters is being sung, on the other hand, incidents of foeticide are coming to the fore day by day. A list of many reasons can be made behind this. But basically, the degraded mentality of people is responsible for this. Whatever you say, but in the male dominated society, the respect of women is underestimated. Although, a girl has been termed as someone else's wealth. This mentality could not change. If we write the reasons for foeticide in brief, then-

• Wrong notion of considering a girl as someone else's wealth.

• People's degraded mentality of considering the birth of a girl as their misfortune.

• The irony of being harassed for a girl after marriage.

• In the society, the name is carried forward only by the son after death. Such baseless thinking.

• Prevalence of modern scientific techniques.

• Even at the time of marriage, the bride's side is considered inferior to the groom's side.

• Fear of not being able to fulfill dowry demands due to financial constraints.

Social background:--

From the social background, we would like to consider the above reasons. Considering the daughter as someone else's property, people do not want to pay much attention and spend on her upbringing. People think that the son is the support of old age, it is because of him that the family keeps the family alive. The second reason is that even after marriage, the parents are worried about the daughter because the son is in front of them and if the daughter is away, the father has the fear that she might be ill-treated in her in-laws' house. If the demands of the groom's side are not met, they will continue to harass their daughter. As the girl grows up, the parents are worried about her marriage. They start saving money right from the beginning. They may not be able to live a proper life themselves but they have to collect a huge amount for her marriage. They find only one solution to all these problems that they wish she was not born or they should not let her be born. Technology has also given a lot of encouragement. It determines the sex of the child growing in the womb and tells it.  The parents' problem is solved and this inhuman and disgusting act begins.

When we read the news of a child lying in the gutter in the newspapers, we get goosebumps. When we hear/read the news early in the morning while praying to God that an innocent little life is lying on a heap of garbage at a certain place. Which human heart would not be shaken by the news that a 3-4 month old fetus was being eaten by dogs near the road at a certain place. Such scenes leave words in a quandary. In what words should we condemn such cruel-hearted people? This is a blot on our entire human society. Everyone will have to think seriously on this subject or else we will not even be entitled to be called human beings.

bhroon hatya-ek abhishaap- 

sevatee maas is tak jisako, 

paalatee udar mein rakh jisako, 

jeevan ka ansh khilaatee hai, 

antar ka roodhir pilaatee hai, 

aatee phir usako phenk, 

naagin hogee vah naaree nahin.

There is so much pain in these above lines of 'Dinkar' by exposing the cruel heart of a mother. Children are called Atmaja Atmaja, but what kind of mother would she be who cruelly separates these pieces of herself from herself. Aborting the fetus after finding out the gender in the womb is not only horrifying, it is also a shocking incident, but humanity is torn to pieces when an innocent girl is put to death. Measures to prevent foeticide- Since a heinous act like foeticide is the result of people's bad thinking and bad mentality. Therefore, first of all, changing people's thinking should be an option. In today's scientific age, differentiating between a boy and a girl is a foolish thinking. People should change their current thinking regarding the birth of a daughter. Some of the factors behind this are that can bring awareness in people-

•Today, girls can also succeed in the same field as boys.

•Girls have shown by becoming angels of the space that reaching the moon is also not a new thing.

•Women have created history by occupying the most respected and highest positions in the country. The notion that a son stays with one and a daughter is someone else's property seems meaningless. Today, even if there is only one son, he has to go out for a job. In any case, a son is dependent only till the time he stays with his parents. Later, the scope of his area increases. After marriage, he comes closer to his wife and children than to his parents.

•Now, the question is about the name continuing through the son. So, the fear of the name sinking is more than the hope of the name continuing through the son. Today, girls are making their father's name famous by achieving success in every field, and the name continues through good deeds.  Tulsi has not become immortal only because of his son.

• A daughter performs her duties under the care of her father for 18-20 years. After marriage, she becomes the pride of her husband's house and fulfills her duties and increases the lineage. This is the law of God and nature. Therefore, playing with this law and the existence of women is the biggest stupidity in the world. Even if there is financial crisis, parents should not have negative thoughts about their daughters. Today girls are going to become self-reliant instead of dependent. People's thinking can change by thinking about the above discussion. They can be saved from doing this disgusting work.

Legal measures:--

Legal measures should also be taken to stop female foeticide. Such people should be punished by making strict laws. People from respectable professions like doctors also do such heinous acts. They should be brought to justice and punished.

Conclusion :--

A smile of the overall culture is the identity of a young and prosperous India, boys and girls are equal. If we are true Indians and truly love our great culture, then some basic values ​​of this culture will have to be nurtured. Where women are revered, God resides there and we are playing with the existence of women. Undoubtedly, we will have to make our thinking great and avoid this inhuman act. Only then will we be worthy of being called enlightened citizens and will be able to take the country to great heights. We will have to rise above the discriminatory thinking between boys and girls. We will have to avoid the mistake of underestimating girls. Gargi, Maitreyi, Razia, Lakshmibai, Mother Teresa, Indira Gandhi, P.T.  Usha, Kalpana Chawla, Pratibha Patil, so many names of such talents can be counted who have touched the heights of success in different fields. Therefore, we should not play with the existence of women. Women need to think in this direction. It is very surprising that women themselves become the enemies of their caste existence. Women have to be aware first.

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